The Cave Downtown
The Cave Downtown is a one-of-a-kind cigar club in Livermore, California, that also features a cigar store for quality tobacco products. Come and partake in Livermore’s first cigar club. We feature a comfortable retreat for cigar aficionados and those that desire to relax, making it the perfect place to pass the time while indulging yourself in our finest selections of tobacco and non-alcoholic refreshments. Our elegant space features a sizable walk-in humidor, large retail area, subdued lighting, overstuffed leather chairs, and gaming tables. Enjoy our spacious accessible upper retail and day lounge area, fondly referred to as the “Den” that features a 65-inch LED TV, cutting bar, and refinished hardwood floors. Our exclusive lower level “members only” lounge, “The Cave”, features library decor, a cozy fireplace, two 55-inch LED TV’s, table for games , and of course more leather comforts. In addition, to all of this, free Wi-Fi and a state-of-the-art air filtration are provided throughout.